Making speeches on the NHS, writing to Brown about Megrahi release are fine, but Dave has got to get his party in order.
Here is yet another example of not-serious-about-power element within the Tory ranks. Alan Scard, the Chairman of Gosport Conservative Association in Hampshire, on the possibility of selecting a woman to replace Sir Peter Viggers:
If they are attractive, yeah I would go for it. I know it's a sexist thing to say, but you could get the blokes saying 'Oh you know, I would vote for her because she's really attractive'. But then the other women say 'Oh I don't like her, she's too attractive'.
Unbelievable stuff that gets all the publicity it needs during the silly season. Get a grip Dave.
How on earth do these people get the job in the first place? Cameron needs to find some courage and get rid of all these dipsticks!