22 July 2009

Not what Andy Coulson is wishing for

So, it is back the day job for Andy Coulson.  Preparing a briefing for his boss on the morning papers is presumably one of his first tasks of the day.  They will not like what the Mirror has dished up this morning:

David Cameron's hell-raising antics at Oxford University are to be recreated on TV.

The Tory leader and London mayor Boris Johnson were both members of the elitist Bullingdon dining club.

A documentary is to show how the privileged young men got drunk, trashed venues, offered to pay for the damage and then passed out.

The More 4 film, to be shown later this year, is set against the backdrop of the miners' strike and Margaret Thatcher's battles with the unions.

Christian Brassington, 26, will play the young [Boris]Johnson but Cameron is yet to be cast.

The solution is an easy one for Dave.  He can just do a Coulson, deny all knowledge and say he didn't micro-manage all his activities as a student.

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  1. Ouch Howard. At least he's got plenty warning though.

  2. Jings that's dreadful English. I mean he has plenty warning. That's better. Wearisome day.
