23 February 2009

Cameron is in touch with the public mood


It is becoming increasingly clear the the electorate may not be buying into these various stimulus packages as much as Brown would like.

This poll has just been published in the States by ABC/Washington Post:

The headline is 87 percent of the country is worried about the federal budget deficit.

This is a 10 point jump in 2 months!

My guess is that similar concerns would be recorded in the UK. 

Cameron said tonight:

….he didn't think the government's fiscal stimulus had worked, because Britain cannot afford it. This he said, was a view also held by Kenneth Clarke who had voted against the stimulus "when he saw the scale of the budget deficit.

... the government were forecasting we'd borrow 8 percent of GDP. That was made when they thought the economy would start growing again on the 1st July. I hope it does but many now say it won't. Look at what the IMF are saying. You should only have a huge stimulus if you can afford it. Other countries like Ireland are borrowing 8, 9, 10 percent of GDP when they can't afford it.

People want Governments to deal with the recession but they are also concerned for their futures and that of their children.

Old Moses will not take too kindly if the public are buying into to his various stimulus packages.

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