14 November 2009

The polls: Brown’s leadership still in doubt

Two polls show little change:


CON 41%(nc), LAB 27%(nc), LDEM 18%(+1)


CON 39%(-1), LAB 25%(-2), LDEM 17%(-1)

ComRes also asked three questions on Afghanistan:

I would support a phased withdrawal of British forces from Afghanistan, the aim being the end of combat operations within a year or so"

Agree - 71%

Disagree - 22%

The threat of terrorism on British soil is increased by British forces remaining in Afghanistan"

Agree - 47% 

Disagree - 44%

David Cameron would handle the issue of Afghanistan better than Gordon Brown has done"

Agree - 39%      

Disagree - 46%

And, on the Sun’s treatment of Gordon Brown’s letter to the mother of Jamie Janes:

The Sun was unfair to Gordon Brown over his handwritten letter to the mother of Private Jamie Janes.

Agree 60%

Disagree 27%

The most significant finding being that 71% now want a phased withdrawal from Afghanistan.  For that to happen, Brown is totally dependent on what Obama eventually decides to do.

So, there is little comfort for Labour or Brown after his ‘week of weeks’.  Nothing has changed.  Brown’s leadership is still vulnerable to a challenge.

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1 comment:

  1. It's not often I wish time would fly but the next few months are going to seem very long methinks.
