17 May 2009

Why we have heard very little about Mr and Mrs Balls


Have you have been wondering why The Telegraph haven't highlighted the claims that Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper have made on us poor taxpayers?  You will be surprised to know that young Ed has a cosy relationship with the editor.  The Indy explains:

So when a story emerged of how Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper claimed for three and a half times the amount of mortgage interest they were entitled to, it would perhaps be deemed front-page news. Yesterday the ministers insisted it had been an "inadvertent error" that they submitted a claim for £2,600 for the months of July and August 2007, when it should have been £733. The mistake was spotted by the Fees Office and they never received the money.

Yet stranger still, this story of how two of the Prime Minister's closest allies had made this mistake appeared to be downplayed in The Daily Telegraph's wall-to-wall coverage of the expenses scandal. While lurid claims for moat-cleaning have been splashed over the newspaper, this new revelation was slipped into a downpage story on page eight last Friday.

Other MPs in similar circumstances might not have been treated so generously. Westminster conspiracy theorists last night pointed to the friendship between Telegraph editor Will Lewis and Mr Balls. Both men are gregarious and share an enthusiasm for karaoke.

And us folks were thinking that was spending all his waking hours looking after the education of our children!

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1 comment:

  1. Or it might just be a case of a Schilling for your thoughts.....
