08 April 2010

The Prime Minister-in-waiting in action

Without a helmet, Dave cycles to the Commons….


…where he overreaches himself by informing MPs:

Almost half the country are Tories.

Then he visits a bakery….


….where he tells a joke that didn't go down well:

I’m going to start with an admission. I’m a bit of traitor. Here I am at a bakery. The thing is the other day I went out and bought my own bread maker.

That’s the bad news. But the good news, from your point of view, is that the first few times I opened it up after having obeyed every single instruction, all there seemed to be was a bit of mush in the bottom.

Ah, but he keeps his tie on.


A big majority of the doubters believe that the Conservatives have not made a strong enough case for a change from Labour and half think that Mr Cameron is too inexperienced to be prime minister. Within that group 45 per cent disagree with Tory proposals to reduce the planned increase in national insurance contributions.

None of the above will help change voters’ perceptions of Cameron and his party over the next four weeks.

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