24 January 2010

The TV leaders' debates: If we must, then on Sunday

The astute Michael Crick posted in the week about a little local difficulty that has bubbled up if the TV leaders’ debates do go ahead (the all important details have yet to be agreed).  It is a subject picked up by the Telegraph this morning.

The small problem is that several of our football teams are doing rather well in Europe and all may reach the semi-finals, but we will not know for sure until 6 April.  If this happens that will rule out the debates being staged on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

This were it gets rather tricky.  Friday and Saturday night are not suitable for obvious reasons, leaving just Sunday or Monday.

Monday is a problematical day.  It would take the leaders away from campaigning at the beginning of the week.  Sunday would be more favourable.  Traditionally, the weekends are quieter time on the hustings and it would give the leaders space to prepare.  Moreover, there would be a bigger potential audience on a Sunday night.

Regardless of the football, if we have to watch Gordon Brown rather than Alan Johnson plus the other two, wouldn't Sunday be the ideal day to hold the debates?

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