28 January 2010

Gordon Brown will be stuffed

Having trotted along to the launch of Peter Watt's book “Inside Out”, John Craig of Sky News provides these snippets, picked up from the Great and the Good:

Well, I didn't hear much support for Gordon Brown in the room.

Hung Parliament? "Media chatter!" one Westminster veteran told him. "Tories by 40 seats!"

About right.


But, most memorably, one Westminster veteran of countless general elections recalled a quote from the late Hugo Young, written in The Guardian on May 2, 1997, the day of Tony Blair's landslide victory celebrations.

Under the headline "The People's Victory", Young wrote: "They... quietly did what every opinion poll said they would do: tell John Major and his shabby, busted government to get stuffed."

But it was the prediction of one of Westminster's best informed and most experienced election-watchers of what will happen to Gordon Brown's government on May 6.

Of course, it doesn't have to be like this.  If only the Cabinet would act.

Perhaps we should give up on saying what the Labour party must do, but why?

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